Thursday, August 13, 2009
Cooper FINALLY has a middle name!!
Ok, me and David have been going round and round about Cooper's middle name! Dawson is named after David (Dawson means "son of David") so we knew we really wanted to use a family name for Cooper's middle name. After months of debating and going back and forth, we have decided on Cooper Burnes Rousse! My great-grandfather's name was Burnes (PaPa) and it was also used as my mother's middle name. He was the chief of campus police at Ole Miss, and was the officer chosen to protect James Meredith when he was admitted to Ole Miss. Needless to say, we all have very fond memories of him! My mother was very excited that we chose that name, and my grandmother said PaPa would have been very honored that we chose to name our son after him! I hope our little Cooper will grow up to be an honorable man like our PaPa was!
I know, I know...I am way behind on blogging!!
I will admit it, I am a terrible blogger! We have had such a busy summer, and with our newest little addition set to arrive in about 10 weeks, things will only get busier! I will try to get better about blogging!
Where do I even begin???
Dawson took swim lessons this summer with Uncle Austin's friend Erica. David's mom has a pool, and we spend alot of time there, so I wanted him to learn what he could about swimming and how to get in and out of the water. Let's just say that I was very skeptical going into it. Dawson has the shortest attention span ever, but he LOVES the pool so I thought we would give it a try! The first lesson didn't go to well, it took him awhile to warm up to Erica, plus we did the lesson Friday afternoon afer he had been at daycare all day. Lesson learned though, we moved the next lesson to a Saturday morning, and he behaved much better! He is definately no Michael Phelps (yet), but he did learn how to blow bubble, kick his feet and move his arms! Here are a few pictures of his lessons.

Dawson jumping off the diving board to Miss Erica. He would jump to her, then swim to the side! Thank you Miss Erica!
*On a sidenote, we went to the beach back in July, and we are leaving for another beach trip Saturday! I will post all of our beach pics when we get back!
Where do I even begin???
Dawson took swim lessons this summer with Uncle Austin's friend Erica. David's mom has a pool, and we spend alot of time there, so I wanted him to learn what he could about swimming and how to get in and out of the water. Let's just say that I was very skeptical going into it. Dawson has the shortest attention span ever, but he LOVES the pool so I thought we would give it a try! The first lesson didn't go to well, it took him awhile to warm up to Erica, plus we did the lesson Friday afternoon afer he had been at daycare all day. Lesson learned though, we moved the next lesson to a Saturday morning, and he behaved much better! He is definately no Michael Phelps (yet), but he did learn how to blow bubble, kick his feet and move his arms! Here are a few pictures of his lessons.

Dawson jumping off the diving board to Miss Erica. He would jump to her, then swim to the side! Thank you Miss Erica!
*On a sidenote, we went to the beach back in July, and we are leaving for another beach trip Saturday! I will post all of our beach pics when we get back!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It has been 100% confirmed...
We are having another little boy!!!! Baby Cooper (no middle name yet) looks great, but he was being a little stubborn during the ultrasound! He didn't want to cooperate at first and show his "boy parts", but he finally let us know for sure that he is a boy! Coop is measuring 2 or 3 days behind, but my doctor said this is no big deal. His brain, stomach, kidneys and spinal column look great and all of the chambers in his heart were functioning! We are looking at a c-section on October 26 if all goes as planned, so we are just counting down until then! We can't wait to meet this sweet baby, and Big Brother Dawson is so excited to have a little buddy! We truly are blessed!
I am so bored at the airport
I have a fewictures to post, and a ton has been going on around here, but I am sitting in the airport waiting on my flight so I decided to do this instead! Pictures to come later!
What is your salad dressing of choice? Honey Mustard or Vinegarette
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? I like the ole Mi Pubelo here in Hernando. Kind of lame I guess, but oh well!
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? ice cream
What are your pizza toppings of choice? i like em all
What do you like to put on your toast? peanut butter
TECHNOLOGYHow many televisions are in your house? 2
What color cell phone do you have? silver
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? a coworkers new phone number
Who was the last person to call you? co-worker
BIOLOGYAre you right-handed or left-handed? right
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? just a baby
What is the last heavy item you lifted? my suitcase at the airport
DUMB-OLOGYIf it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No thanks!
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? skinny
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? no way Jose!
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? I think about 5
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Does Barry count? He tends to make his way to our house about every other day.
Last person you talked to in person? Mom and david
Favorite Month? October, both of my babies birthdays!!
CURRENT-OLOGYMissing someone? Not yet, give me a few hours though
Mood? super excited!
What are you listening to? a lady speaking Chinese here in the airport
Watching? people watching in the airport
Worrying about? nothing at the moment, shocking I know!
RANDOM-OLOGYWhat’s the last movie you watched? Does Spy Kids count?!?
Do you smile often? i try to
Do you always answer your phone? nope, just sent me a text if you want to get in touvh with me
It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it from? I can't even tell you the last time I received a text that early in the morning!
If you could change your eye color what would it be? i like my eye color
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? i dont add any flavor to my Sonic drinks
Do you own a digital camera? don't even get me started. We have owned 3 in the last year and a half!
Have you ever had a pet fish? yes, RIP Jack and Diane!
Favorite Christmas song? Kind of cheesy, but I LOVE the Jessica Simpson Christmas CD!!
What’s on your wish list for your birthday? seeing that I will have a newborn baby and a 3 year old at that time, I am sure I would love a good nights sleep!
Can you do push-ups? ha ha
Can you do a chin up? ha ha
Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Both
Do you have any saved texts? nope- im a clean out kind of girl
Ever been in a car wreck? nope, but if David was filling out this survey, it would be a totally different situation!
Do you have an accent? not that I am aware of
What is the last song to make you cry? none
Plans tonight? hanging out in my hotel in Tampa, exciting huh?
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? no
Name 2 things you bought yesterday. gas and toliteries
You ever been given roses? just the other day as a matter of fact
Current hate right now? this awful hot weather!
Met someone who changed your life? absolutely!
What song represents you? ??
What were you doing 12 AM last night? asleep... well trying to sleep anyways.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My big ultrasound is today! YAY!!
What is your salad dressing of choice? Honey Mustard or Vinegarette
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? I like the ole Mi Pubelo here in Hernando. Kind of lame I guess, but oh well!
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? ice cream
What are your pizza toppings of choice? i like em all
What do you like to put on your toast? peanut butter
TECHNOLOGYHow many televisions are in your house? 2
What color cell phone do you have? silver
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? a coworkers new phone number
Who was the last person to call you? co-worker
BIOLOGYAre you right-handed or left-handed? right
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? just a baby
What is the last heavy item you lifted? my suitcase at the airport
DUMB-OLOGYIf it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No thanks!
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? skinny
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? no way Jose!
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? I think about 5
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Does Barry count? He tends to make his way to our house about every other day.
Last person you talked to in person? Mom and david
Favorite Month? October, both of my babies birthdays!!
CURRENT-OLOGYMissing someone? Not yet, give me a few hours though
Mood? super excited!
What are you listening to? a lady speaking Chinese here in the airport
Watching? people watching in the airport
Worrying about? nothing at the moment, shocking I know!
RANDOM-OLOGYWhat’s the last movie you watched? Does Spy Kids count?!?
Do you smile often? i try to
Do you always answer your phone? nope, just sent me a text if you want to get in touvh with me
It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it from? I can't even tell you the last time I received a text that early in the morning!
If you could change your eye color what would it be? i like my eye color
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? i dont add any flavor to my Sonic drinks
Do you own a digital camera? don't even get me started. We have owned 3 in the last year and a half!
Have you ever had a pet fish? yes, RIP Jack and Diane!
Favorite Christmas song? Kind of cheesy, but I LOVE the Jessica Simpson Christmas CD!!
What’s on your wish list for your birthday? seeing that I will have a newborn baby and a 3 year old at that time, I am sure I would love a good nights sleep!
Can you do push-ups? ha ha
Can you do a chin up? ha ha
Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Both
Do you have any saved texts? nope- im a clean out kind of girl
Ever been in a car wreck? nope, but if David was filling out this survey, it would be a totally different situation!
Do you have an accent? not that I am aware of
What is the last song to make you cry? none
Plans tonight? hanging out in my hotel in Tampa, exciting huh?
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? no
Name 2 things you bought yesterday. gas and toliteries
You ever been given roses? just the other day as a matter of fact
Current hate right now? this awful hot weather!
Met someone who changed your life? absolutely!
What song represents you? ??
What were you doing 12 AM last night? asleep... well trying to sleep anyways.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My big ultrasound is today! YAY!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
We're Having A.....
BOY!!! Dawson is going to have a little brother!! I had my monthly check-up today, and they couldn't find the heartbeat so they sent me for an ultrasound. Thankfully, they were able to find it on the ultrasound as soon as she started! He was moving around like crazy (probably due to the fact that I drank a Mt. Dew on my way to the dr's office!) which is why my dr. could never find the heartbeat! It took the utlrasound tech a few tries to see the "stuff", but eventually, he showed us! The tech is pretty sure it is a boy, but it could be swollen little girl parts?!?! My big 20 week ultrasound is next month, so we will know 100% for sure then, but I am pretty sure it is a boy! We are so excited to have another little boy, and I can't wait for Dawson and little brother to be best buddies! Besides that, I love having a mamma's boy, and I am super pumped to have 2 sweet little boys to take care of me! It is so true what they say, little boys just LOVE their mammas! So far, we don't really have any names picked out, as I was sure this one was a girl! This pregnancy has been totally opposite than Dawson's from the morning sickness and sleeplessness (neither were a problem with my 1st pregnancy), but I guess every pregnancy is different! We are so thankful that this little one is healthy and right on track! We are SO very blessed!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our Easter Activities
This was the first year that Dawson really got into Easter, and kind of knew what was going on. His Noni (David's mom) took him to see the Easter Bunny last weekend, so we heard about him all week long prior to Easter! He even hopped up into his lap and told the Easter Bunny that he had glasses just like him! Friday, David's mom had a little Easter Party for the grandkids and her neighbor's children. Dawson wasn't really into dying eggs, he can't sit still long enough, but he sure was into the bunny cupcakes she had!! We found out real fast this weekend, that Dawson has a huge sweet tooth just like his Mamma!!

Saturday, our church had an Easter carnival/Egg Hunt, so me and my sister-in-law Kelly took Dawson and Aiden. They had a blast! Dawson thought he was suppose to throw the eggs instead of putting them in his basket! And he wonders why he only ended up with 4 eggs!! He also got his first (fake) tattoo! Once again, he got to see the Easter Bunny. He loved the little "pick a duck out of the pond" game, but he thought he should shove his entire arm in there, and ended up with a wet shirt!!
Saturday afternoon, we went to our cousin's Kayleigh and Davis' birthday party at the gymnastics place here in town. Dawson had a blast running around and jumping on the trampolines! I was too busy running after him to get any pictures besides this one of him waiting on a cupcake! Remember, I found out he has a sweet tooth!

After church, we all headed over to David's moms for lunch. It is always very entertaining to say the least, but we always have a good time!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring is here!

I had my dr's appointment yesterday, and we got to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat! It was 158, and everyone keeps telling me that is a "girl" heartbeat! I would love to buy sweet dresses and big hairbows, but I would also love to have another little boy to love on and play cars with! Regardless, we just want a healthy, happy baby. Dawson has decided that he wants to name the baby "Shark", and I have no clue where he got this from! He went through a shark phase around Christmas so maybe that is resurfacing?!? I guess for now I will refer to the baby as "Shark"! It is better than calling it an it, I think!

This was my attempt to get Dawson to smile and take a picture while he was eating his snack! Bad timing on my end!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
He'd Rather Have a Dinosaur

Dawson has some really big news!!
He's going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! His shirt says " I am going to be a big brother, but I'd still rather have a dinosaur!" I tried so hard to get him to stand up so I could get a good picture of his shirt, but he is too much of a busy body these days! Little brother or sister is due October 31, which is also Dawson's birthday! What a crazy coincidence, right!! My dr. said he will do a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks though, so we are thinking sometime around October 22. I have already been to see my dr., and I get to go back next week to hear the heartbeat! We are all so, so excited, and can't wait to meet this new little addition to our family! I can't wait for Dawson and his new little brother or sister to grow up together and be the best of friends!
He's going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! His shirt says " I am going to be a big brother, but I'd still rather have a dinosaur!" I tried so hard to get him to stand up so I could get a good picture of his shirt, but he is too much of a busy body these days! Little brother or sister is due October 31, which is also Dawson's birthday! What a crazy coincidence, right!! My dr. said he will do a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks though, so we are thinking sometime around October 22. I have already been to see my dr., and I get to go back next week to hear the heartbeat! We are all so, so excited, and can't wait to meet this new little addition to our family! I can't wait for Dawson and his new little brother or sister to grow up together and be the best of friends!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Dawson and his Best Buddy Katye
Dawson has another lady in his life. Sadly, I am not his #1 anymore! Dawson's new found love is his Best Buddy, Katye Baker (or Katye Bater as he calls her, he has a hard time with his c's and k's). I use to work with Katye's mom, Jenny. I am quite certain that she was one of the only normal ones at that job! She really is fab though! She is a book nerd just like me, she has wonderful crafting ideas, and she has a beautiful, spunky little girl that we love to hang out with! We decided that we needed to get the kiddos together to finally meet each other so we decided to take them to the Children's Museum a few weeks ago. What a great idea!! Jenny and Katye go all the time, but this was Dawson's first time to go, and let me tell you, he LOVED it! He was non-stop the entire time we were there. I have a feeling we will have many more playdates at the Children's Museum with Jenny and Katye!
I wish Dawson was looking at the camera in this picture, but do you know how difficult it is to get 2 very active kiddos to look at the camera at the same time?!? Isn't Katye absolutely precious though!! We love her!
Dawson and Katye at the zoo
We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and take Dawson and Katye to the zoo last weekend. Once again, a great idea! We have a zoo membership, so this was not our first time to go, but Dawson still gets super excited everytime we go! Katye's Dad works at the zoo, and he even brought a big ole snake out when we were in the reptile house. (sorry no pictures of that one!!) Once again, the kids had a blast and we can't wait for our next get together! I have a feeling we will be getting these 2 together alot! Thanks Jenny and Katye for hanging out with us!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Maybe I will get that new camera someday...
Clearly, I still dont' have a camera.......

For some reason, Dawson has been talking about monsters alot lately. He said that his little buddy at school told him about them, but who knows how reliable that really is. I mean he is only 2! Anyways, everytime we turn the lights out before bedtime, he gets all anxious about the monsters, and for the past 3 or 4 weeks, his sleeping has been AWFUL! It is almost like he is an infant again. We try to tell him that there are no monsters under his bed (or in his case, crib. Yes, I know, he is getting too big for a crib, I am hanging on to this last bit of "babyiness" for as long as I can!), but the little fellow just doesn't believe me. As a matter of fact, he woke up about 30 minutes ago crying about the monsters! If something doesn't give, I may start crying about the monsters too! Mama needs her sleep!

Well I think it is apparent that I still don't have that new camera yet, but I did dig up a few old pictures! In honor of Valentine's Day which is right around the corner, I found this pic of Dawson's 1st Valentine's Day (2007)! We gave him that little Sock Monkey, and he sleeps with it every night. Sometimes Sock Monkey watches cartoons with Dawson too, and he always goes with Dawson when he spends the night with his GiGi! I am fully anticipating sending Dawson off to college (Mississippi State of course!!) with Sock Monkey!

Well friends, that is it for now! Have a fabulous weekend!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Totally Random Post!
My fabulous husband dropped our digital camera into a cup full of "an adult beverage" on New Years's Eve, therefore I am currently without a digital camera and haven't been able to take any new pictures for the last few weeks. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked, he dropped my other digital camera (I have had 3 within the last year!) down a flight or stairs at the Liberty Bowl game in 2007! Good thing is I am getting a camera that is water proof and shock proof as soon as we can find one we like! Since I have no pictures and nothing too exciting is going on at the Rousse house right now, I just decided to post something random! Oh... we did get a Wii last week and I did slam my hand into the wall while attempting to play Wii tennis, I found out today that one of my BFF's is preggers which excites me so much (this is seriously about the 8th person I know that is pregnant or just had a baby which is fab because I LOVE BABIES!), and I started a Bible Study with a really great group of girls... so maybe there has been a little bit going on around here after all!
And now my random thoughts........

On another note....
It is also no secret that I L-O-V-E the Bachelor, especially this season's Bachelor! I watched the Bachelorette with DeAnna faithfully, and I just knew she was going to pick Jason and they would ride off into the sunset...clearly, she made a mistake! Her stupidity is my gain though since I get to watch this lovely looking gentleman once a week for the next 8 weeks or so! I was so mad that she didn't pick Jason last time that I called ABC and left them a little message demanding that they make Jason the next Bachelor! (remember that Catherine Clare??!?! and you thought they didn't listen to me!!) He is by far my favorite Bachelor!

I am also a tad bit obsessed with Jon and Kate Plus 8! I tvo all of the shows (because who wants to watch something when it is actually on when you can fast forward through the commercials, right?!?) and I even bought their book!

I can honestly say that this was a really good book! David thought I was dumb for buying it, but his opinion clearly didn't stop me from buying it! I love little Aaden, he reminds me alot of Dawson with his little glasses! If your a fan of the show, I would most def read the book!
Well I guess that is enough rambling for now! Hopefully I will get a new camera soon, if not, I am sure I can come up with some more random junk to post!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Family Pics
We had family pictures taken about a month ago here in Hernando. Stacy Carter took them, and I think she did a really good job; especially considering the fact that Dawson can't sit still for longer than 2.4 seconds, he was hungry, and it was COLD outside!! We are going to have Dawson's pictures made again in the spring, so hopefully it will be a little warmer and he will be a little more cooperative!
If you tell Dawson to be "sweet" this is the face he makes!!

He was over it by this point! I just thought this was a really funny picture though!

I love this picture!

My precious little family! I love my boys!!
If you tell Dawson to be "sweet" this is the face he makes!!
He was over it by this point! I just thought this was a really funny picture though!
I love this picture!

My precious little family! I love my boys!!

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