We have had spring fever bad around here, so we are so glad that the weather is finally nice! Dawson LOVES to play outside, and I think he would stay outside all day if we let him. He got a little tricyle for his birthday last year, and he finally learned how to ride it. As much as we love this spring weather, we are even more excited about this summer! We have 2 beach trips planned, and we can't wait!! Dawson has been every year since he was born, and he LOVES the beach! We do an annual girls "Mommies and Babies" trip in July with a few of my friends and our moms and kiddos. It is always a blast! This year myself, David and Dawson are going with our friends Aaron, Andrea and their adorable baby Addison, in August. We are counting down the days until we are on the beach!
I had my dr's appointment yesterday, and we got to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat! It was 158, and everyone keeps telling me that is a "girl" heartbeat! I would love to buy sweet dresses and big hairbows, but I would also love to have another little boy to love on and play cars with! Regardless, we just want a healthy, happy baby. Dawson has decided that he wants to name the baby "Shark", and I have no clue where he got this from! He went through a shark phase around Christmas so maybe that is resurfacing?!? I guess for now I will refer to the baby as "Shark"! It is better than calling it an it, I think!

This was my attempt to get Dawson to smile and take a picture while he was eating his snack! Bad timing on my end!
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