Clearly, I still dont' have a camera.......

For some reason, Dawson has been talking about monsters alot lately. He said that his little buddy at school told him about them, but who knows how reliable that really is. I mean he is only 2! Anyways, everytime we turn the lights out before bedtime, he gets all anxious about the monsters, and for the past 3 or 4 weeks, his sleeping has been AWFUL! It is almost like he is an infant again. We try to tell him that there are no monsters under his bed (or in his case, crib. Yes, I know, he is getting too big for a crib, I am hanging on to this last bit of "babyiness" for as long as I can!), but the little fellow just doesn't believe me. As a matter of fact, he woke up about 30 minutes ago crying about the monsters! If something doesn't give, I may start crying about the monsters too! Mama needs her sleep!

Well I think it is apparent that I still don't have that new camera yet, but I did dig up a few old pictures! In honor of Valentine's Day which is right around the corner, I found this pic of Dawson's 1st Valentine's Day (2007)! We gave him that little Sock Monkey, and he sleeps with it every night. Sometimes Sock Monkey watches cartoons with Dawson too, and he always goes with Dawson when he spends the night with his GiGi! I am fully anticipating sending Dawson off to college (Mississippi State of course!!) with Sock Monkey!

Well friends, that is it for now! Have a fabulous weekend!