Just to give you a quick update on each of the boys:

Cooper is our independant child! He wants to feed himself alot these days and gets very irritated if you try to do it for him! He sleeps 11-12 hours at night, and just wants you to put him in his bed with his lovie "Chops". He is not a cuddler and doesn't like to be rocked or held which is a big change from when Dawson was a baby. He has a very easy going temprament and goes with the flow! He adores Dawson and lights up when he sees him! He is trying to crawl, but doesn't quite have the hang of it yet. He likes bathtime, his lovie, goldfish crackers, and pulling his big brother's glasses off of his face! He doesn't like having his diaper changed (he can't sit still long enough!), being up past his bedtime, or being alone (we are working on this one!).
These boys are the light of our lives!
We are staying very busy these days! Dawson will be 4 in just a few months (what happened to my baby?!?) and Coop has his big first birthday right around the corner! I have already started planning their big party's, you can never be too prepared when you have children with birthday's 5 days apart! We are getting ready for our big beach trip in just a few weeks, and we can't wait! We are going with 4 other families and their children! Dawson loves the beach, and I am anxious to see how Cooper reacts! I know we are going ot have a blast!
We are staying very busy these days! Dawson will be 4 in just a few months (what happened to my baby?!?) and Coop has his big first birthday right around the corner! I have already started planning their big party's, you can never be too prepared when you have children with birthday's 5 days apart! We are getting ready for our big beach trip in just a few weeks, and we can't wait! We are going with 4 other families and their children! Dawson loves the beach, and I am anxious to see how Cooper reacts! I know we are going ot have a blast!
I hope you are all having a great summer!