Well I think it is safe to say that I am a terrible blogger!! To be honest, I haven't kept up with it because I am sure nobody reads it. But thanks to my friend Katrina, I have decided to be a more current blogger! Thanks Katrina!
Well, SO much has happened here at the Rousse household in the last 6 months! Dawson has obviously grown and grown and grown; will he ever slow down?!? In case you didn't already know, he also has glasses now. His teacher at daycare pointed out that his eye was kind of rolling in and she had been noticing it for a few weeks. Well me being the overreactive, paranoid mommy that I am took him straight to his pediatrician where she reffered us to a pediatric optometrist. I am glad that I listened to my instincts, because it turns out that my sweet little guy is farsighted! Luckilly, we caught it at a very early age, but at this point we don't really know what the long term outcome will be. His next appointment isn't until February. He now is the proud owner of a cute little pair of blue glasses, and he is doing a FANTASTIC job of wearing them! I will admit, I was extremely hesitant and very doubtful that he would even wear them 50% of the time, which was the goal his dr. was shooting for. However, he has surprised us all; he wears them pretty much all of the time except for when he is taking a bath or sleeping. We are so very thankful that this has not been as difficult as we thought it would be! And personally, I think his little glasses just add to his already fiesty little personality!
After getting strep throat over and over and over, I had my tonsils removed (and yes, most people have them removed when they are like 4, not almost 30!) about 6 weeks ago. It was the worse pain I have EVER been in! I won't go into any details, but let's just say that chicken broth and Ensure were my meals of choice for about 2 weeks! So thankful that ordeal is over with!
Both myself and David have started new jobs within the last few months. David is doing the same thing he was doing before, just at a different company. I am pretty much doing the same thing I was doing before, but also for a different company. The big change for me is that I am working from home now!! This is an ideal situation having the little rugrat to take care of! He still goes to Ms. Lucy's during the week (according to David, he will go there until we send him off to college!), but I am able to pick him up earlier and have dinner ready when David gets home. Our house is also staying alot cleaner!
Well there is much more I could go on and on about, but it is getting late and this Momma is tired! We have so much going on the next month between weddings (Dawson is going to be in his first wedding!), showers both wedding and baby, and Dawson's 2nd Birthday, so I will have lots to blog about!